

Combination Self-Teaching System (STS) for Cardiac Ausculation & Pulse Training System (PTS) for Bimanual Pulse Training


Self-Teaching System (STS) for Cardiac Auscultation
For individual student self-instruction in cardiac auscultation. Developed at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). This software/hardware system consists of:
• Produced instruction, heart sounds, and synchronized pulse along with each lesson
• 10 individual text/workbooks with color graphics and a review and self-evaluation with typical examples of the studied sounds
• A sound reproducer insuring auditory realism that allows practice with the student's own stethoscope
• A pulse reproducer with force/displacement characteristics that mimic those of hemodynamic pulses providing a simulated carotid pulse with tactile realism
• Lessons include a summary, practice, and evaluation: Lesson 1: Intro. to Cardiac Auscultation & Normal Heart Sounds, Lesson 2: Normal Variant Cardiac Sounds, Lesson 3: Abnormal Heart Sounds, Lesson 4: Murmurs
• Instruction manual
• Interconnect cable - the connection between the computer and pulse reproducer
• Main assembly STS/PTS power supply (110V/220V)
• Main assembly STS/PTS driver - unit to interface a connection
• between the pulse and sound reproducers
• One headphone included

Pulse Training System (PTS) for Bimanual Pulse Training
For individual self-instruction designed to introduce medical, nursing, and paramedical students and personnel to the theory and manual practice necessary for both single and bimanual palpation of the arterial pulse. Bimanual palpation of the peripheral arterial system is one of the most efficient and often times productive procedures in a physical exam - a rapid evaluation of the major arteries providing blood to the head and brain, arms and legs. The PTS Pulse Training System provides the procedural skills and experience to identify the two major signs of arterial obstruction, absence or delay/distortion of the pulse. This software/hardware system consists of:
• A complete course of instruction with interactive case studies on both single and bimanual palpation of the arterial pulse
• 2 pulse palpators
• 10 individual student text workbooks
• Graphics and pulse commands - 31 cases consisting of one page case graphic and one page pulse command
Shipped directly from our supplier. Allow extra delivery time.
Windows® XP/7 (32 and 64 Bit), 1 GB RAM (STS and PTS).

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