

Body Interact™ Clinical Education - Basic Package


• An interactive digital simulator for practicing diagnosing diverse and multicultural patients using problem-solving and clinical reasoning
• 3-D virtual interactive patients present with visual signs and symptoms like pain, consciousness, cyanosis, and chest movements
• Enter into dynamic dialogues with the virtual patient
• Allows monitoring of vital parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and SpO2 in real time
• Perform an initial assessment of the patient using the complete ABCDE approach
• Order lab tests such as:
     - Arterial blood gas
     - Biochemistry
     - Blood cultures
     - Blood glucose
     - Cardiac markers
     - Coagulation tests
     - Complete blood count
     - Lipid profile
     - Urinalysis
     - Urinary antigens
• Perform an ECG and the following types of imaging:
     - Angio CT
     - AP pelvis radiography
     - Abdominal CT scan
     - Abdominal radiography
     - Abdominal ultrasound
     - Carotid echo-doppler
     - Chest CT scan
     - Chest radiography
     - Colonoscopy
     - Coronary angiography
     - Head CT
     - Lateral cervical spine radiography
     - Lower extremity ultrasound
     - Pelvic CT scan
     - Transesophageal echocardiography
     - Transthoracic echocardiography
     - Upper GI endoscopy
• Use the Glasgow coma scale and the stroke scale (NIHSS) when appropriate
• The following interventions can be performed:
     - Catheter insertion
     - Defibrillation
     - Chest compressions
     - Oxygen
     - Transfusions
• Select from a complete selection of drugs and fluids the appropriate category, administration mode, and dose for the patient
• Scenarios rely on clinical evidence and well-established guidelines
• Scenarios are regularly updated to address basic, intermediate, and advanced clinical skills goals in the Medicine, Nursing, and Emergency curricula
• Scenarios cover:
- Allergies
- Cardiology
- Endocrinology
- Gastrointestinal
- Infectious disease
- Neurology
- Pediatrics
- Pregnancy
- Respiratory
- Trauma
- Urology
- Vascular diseases
• Decide which scenarios are available to students at any given time
• Configure for a large tabletop touchscreen, a tablet/computer, or via a web browser
• Intuitive interface makes setting up and running Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) easy
• Provides complete case-by-case performance debriefings and visual dashboards that reflect the performance metrics of each student or class
• Compile and assess students' performance
• Access to digital simulator must be renewed annually
• For sale in the U.S.A. and Canada only

• Premium clinical scenarios selected from Standard Library (renewed every year): 21 scenarios (free choice)
• Scenario Editor to create customized scenarios: Not available
• Individual Teacher online/offline Windows® account: 1 account
• Individual Student online account for ALL school's students: 3 scenarios
• Built-in Learning Management System with data dashboards: Yes
• Online technical training: 2 sessions
• Automatic updates and upgrades: Yes
• Remote technical and customer service support: Yes

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