

Life/form® Advanced GERi™ Auscultation Manikins


Life/form® Advanced GERi™ Auscultation Manikin with Light Skin Includes all of the main features of the Basic, Complete, Advanced, and Auscultation GERi™ and KERi™ Manikins

Life/form® Advanced GERi™ Auscultation Manikin with Light Skin
Includes all of the main features of the Basic, Complete, Advanced, and Auscultation GERi™ and KERi™ Manikins
Auscultation Sites with Heart and Lung Sounds:
Heart Sites – Six anterior locations with 12 heart conditions
Lung Sites – Five Anterior, six upper posterior, four lower posterior, and two midaxillary locations with 16 lung conditions
Heart Conditions:
Aortic Regurgitation, Atrial Septal Defect, Holosystolic, Midsystolic, Mitral Stenosis, Normal, PDA, Pulmonary Stenosis, S3 Gallop, S4 Gallop, Systolic Click, and VSD
Lung Conditions:
Bronchial, Bronchovesicular, Cavernous, Coarse Crackle, Egophony, Fine Crackle, Friction Rub, Infant, Mono Wheeze, Normal, Pectoriloquy, Pulmonary Edema, Rhonchi, Stridor, Vesicular, and Wheeze
Simulates over 35 nursing and medical procedures
Ship weight 67 lbs.

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