

Life/form® Advanced GERi™ Auscultation Manikin - Light


GERi™ has an elderly appearance with skin wrinkles and folds. Complete lifelike range of motion, realistic patient positioning, and non-pinching joints - moves like a person.

- Lightweight - approximately 28 lbs.
- Full-size adult manikin - measures 58 in.
- Overall female appearance
- Converts to male with removal of wig and attachment of male genitals

Visual Inspection:
- Normal and Cancerous Mole
- Stage 1 Sacral Ulcer
- Dilated and constricted pupils
- Reddened Skin Folds

Patient Care Simulation:
- Bandaging and Wound Dressing
- Bed Baths
- Clothing Changes
- Denture Placement and Removal, Upper and Lower
- Ear Canal Irrigation, Otic Drops, and Hearing Aid Placement
- Eye Irrigation
- Finger and Toe Manipulation with Bandaging - Flexible and Individually Molded 
- Hair Care Washing and Combing
- Intramuscular Injection Sites: Arm, Thigh, Buttock
- Oral and Nasal Hygiene: Lavage, Gavage, and Suctioning
- Ostomy Care: Ileostomy and Colostomy Tissue
- Maintenance and Appliance Application, Lavage, and Suctioning
- Patient Positioning
- Patient Transfer Techniques
- Pericare
- Tracheostomy Care, Lavage and Suctioning
- Gastrostomy Procedures, Lavage and Gavage
- Enema Administration, Female Only
- Urinary Catheterization, Female and Uncircumcised Male
- Pap Smears and Douching
- Prostate Exam, Stage B
- Nasogastric Tube Placement
- Internal Fluid Reservoirs
- Right IV Training Arm with a shoulder intramuscular injection site featuring replaceable skin and veins that roll when palpated, realistic flashback confirms proper needle placement
- Left Blood Pressure Training Arm reproduces all five Korotkoff sounds and allows instructor to vary systolic and diastolic levels, pulse rate, volume, and auscultatory gap
- Standard arms with right and left shoulder intramuscular injection sites

The GERi™ Advanced Auscultation Manikin also includes:
Auscultation Sites with Heart and Lung Sounds
- Heart Sites, Six anterior locations with 12 heart conditions
- Lung Sites:Five Anterior, six upper posterior, four lower posterior, and two midaxillary locations with 12 lung conditions
Heart Conditions:
- Aortic Regurgitation, Atrial Septal Defect, Holosystolic, Midsystolic, Mitral Stenosis, Normal, PDA, Pulmonary Stenosis, S3 Gallop, S4 Gallop, Systolic Click, and VSD
Lung Conditions:
- Bronchial, Cavernous, Coarse Crackle, Fine Crackle, Friction Rub, Mono Wheeze, Normal, Pectoriloquy, Pulmonary Edema, Rhonchi, Stridor, and Wheeze
- Simulates over 35 nursing and medical procedures

Ideal for OBRA Required Training. Life/form® Five-Year Warranty.

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